Smartline, MultiTec, Design alle Baureihen und Konzeption Design all series and conception

Für die gesamten Baureihen des bestehenden Maschinensortiments wurden Gestaltungsideen aus dem entwickelten Corporate Design umgesetzt.
Design ideas from the developed corporate design were implemented for the entire series of the existing machine range.
Design ideas from the developed corporate design were implemented for the entire series of the existing machine range.
Charakteristisches Merkmal wurde ein spezifischer NCS-Farbton mit Metallicanteilen. Betont wurde mit ihm die Bearbeitungszone.
The characteristic feature was a specific NCS metallic color. It was used to emphasize the machining zone.
The characteristic feature was a specific NCS metallic color. It was used to emphasize the machining zone.

Für die weitere Entwicklung der künftigen Generationen wurden die in Workshops entwickelten Ansätze in Entwürfe umgesetzt .
The approaches developed in workshops were translated into designs for the further development of future generations.
The approaches developed in workshops were translated into designs for the further development of future generations.
Detail der "Smart Line" mit besserer Sichtbarkeit und neuem charakteritischem Erscheinungsbild der Schleifeinheit.
Detail of the "Smart Line" with improved visibility and new characteristic appearance of the grinding unit.
Detail of the "Smart Line" with improved visibility and new characteristic appearance of the grinding unit.

Durch den modularen Grundaufbau ließen sich die einzelnen Maschinenklassen problemlos skalieren: Die "Smart Line" gibt es in einer kleineren und größeren Bauform, beide wie aus einem Guß.
Thanks to the modular basic structure, the individual machine classes can be easily scaled: The "Smart Line" is available in a smaller and larger design, both as if cast from one single mold
Thanks to the modular basic structure, the individual machine classes can be easily scaled: The "Smart Line" is available in a smaller and larger design, both as if cast from one single mold
Und nach der konsequenten Umsetzung des Corporate Designs und der Stilmerkmale auf das bestehende Maschinensortiment ....
And after the consistent implementation of the corporate design and style features on the existing machine range ....
And after the consistent implementation of the corporate design and style features on the existing machine range ....

... erfolgten Studien über die Weiterführung des Erscheinungsbildes in die Architektur des neu geplanten Firmengebäudes hinein ...
... studies were carried out on the continuation of the appearance into the architecture of the newly planned company building ...
... studies were carried out on the continuation of the appearance into the architecture of the newly planned company building ...
... und die Gedanken für den repräsentativen Empfangsbereich.
... and the ideas for the prestigious reception area.
... and the ideas for the prestigious reception area.

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